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Monday, July 30, 2012

Way To Go, DumBell Kids!

In July, we held our first DumBell Kids Boot Camp Program! Twenty-six kids participated in one hour classes on Monday and Thursdays at Ford Island. The class, led by trainers Michelle Raigan and Devin Snevel, combined the original DumBell routine with fun modifications for kiddos, including soccer balls and hula hoops! The summer session ended on July 26th, but we'll be hosting future programs during public school breaks! 

Starting class with a run and some jumping jacks! 

Mountain climbers! 

Trainer Michelle leading the way through the obstacle course! 

High knees! 

Time to hula! 


Loving the matching outfits! 

It was a hot day! 


Knocking out those push-ups! 

Lower abs! 

These kids were great at jump rope! 

Working those triceps! 

Keeping that core strong! 

The Monday class with their certificates of completion! 

We're so proud of all of our DumBell Kids! Way to go, kiddos! 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Healthy Habits: School Lunches!

The start of school is right around the corner and parents are busy running around buying school supplies and new clothes. But don't forget about planning out healthy lunches for the kids, too! We found some fabulous ideas on Pinterest for creative, fun, and portable meals for children. (Did you know DumBell Fitness is on Pinterest now? Follow us here!) 

Some of our favorites from the Easy LunchBoxes Photo Gallery:

--Egg salad on lettuce with homemade wheat crackers, homemade granola, cucumber rounds, and grapefruit.

--Leftover homemade whole wheat pizza with strawberries and grapes.

--Leftover grilled chicken tenders with honey mustard and BBQ dipping sauces, celery, carrots, and an apple.

--Ham and cheese, cubed, whole wheat pasta with pesto, and crunchy veggie sticks.

--Turkey and cheese wrap in whole wheat flat bread, strawberries and salad.

--Mini quiches (make in muffin tins!) with whole wheat crackers and fruit.

A few other tips for keeping school lunches healthy:

--Do NOT pack sugary drinks! Send them with a thermos of water or milk instead. And no, chocolate milk is not a good choice!

--Limit sugary treats such a cookies or candy to very special occasions only. For a sweet snack, pack fruits instead!

Here's to a healthy and successful school year! 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wednesday's Winners: Kelly Fletter

Today's Wednesday's Winner is long-time recruit, Kelly Fletter! Congratulations, Kelly! 

Kelly first began taking Boot Camp in November 2011 at Halsey Terrace. She switched over to the Hickam AFB course when it opened in January 2012, and has been a member of the class ever since! She was also in the inaugural class of CORP, the DumBell supplementary nutritional course. "I have lost 38 pounds since joining Boot Camp. Thirty of those pounds were lost since I started DumBell CORP in April." 

Kelly with her family prior to joining Boot Camp 

Kelly's workout routine is Boot Camp twice a week, and running three times a week for at least an hour. "On top of that," says Kelly, "I have an elliptical, SPIN bike, free weights, medicine balls and bands at home. I aim to do at least 60 minutes of home workouts each day. I put an extra large comfy seat on my SPIN bike and put it in my living room so when I'm watching my shows at night I have no excuses to not be on it. When I use the elliptical I am on the highest level I can be and I push myself to feel the burn." 

Working exercise into her family's quality time is also important to Kelly. "We will go on bike rides and hikes as a family outing and I have gotten my kids into running. So far, they have completed two 10K's and numerous 5K's! Sometimes they don't feel like running when I need to, so they will ride their bikes along side me as I run. I'm trying to instill in them the importance of being healthy and active!" 

"My main struggle in life has always been my diet," says Kelly. "I started eating cleaner in August 2011 and noticed a difference right away in just how I felt.  Since I started DumBell CORP in April I have learned so much! Eating clean and and managing portion control is no longer a struggle for me. I learned so much taking that class with Christina and learned that I was not eating the best I could. I thought I was eating well, but learned that just because the label/box says it's healthy and good for me doesn't mean that's always true. If anyone is struggling, or even if you are not, I highly recommend that class. Knowledge is power and in the war of weight loss/getting healthy/staying healthy, the more power you have, the better."

"All the trainers are wonderful and I can't say enough good things about them," says Kelly. " I currently train with Alicia Palmer at the Hickam Boot Camp and she is awesome! She is always encouraging me and letting me know that I can do it.  She brings a lot of energy to class and we love it. When I first started Boot Camp, Alison Fournier was my instructor and I loved her, too! Alison always encouraged me as well by telling me how far I'd come since I first started class. Christina Landry has also been a big inspiration. CORP was my first real interaction with her, but every week when I weighed in she would tell me that she was proud of me and to keep up the good work. Even when there was a week when I did not lose weight, she told me to not let it get me down, and that she'd see me next week. These trainers and Boot Camp gave me the confidence and encouragement I need!" 

Alicia and Kelly showing off those biceps! 

Kelly's trainer, Alicia, returns the compliment. "Kelly is such a superstar! She is ALWAYS the first one to class, and always has such a great attitude. She is definitely an inspiration to all the other recruits!" 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Trainer's Favorite Playlists: List 4

Today's playlist comes from Christina's Saturday SPIN class! The class loved it, and we hope you do, too! 

Somebody's Watching Me (Hi_Tack Club Mix)--Beatfreaz
Let's Go (feat. Ne-Yo)--Calvin Harris
Invisible (Kaskade Remix)--Skylar Grey
One--Three Dog Night
Miss You--Foster the People
Little Talks--Of Monsters And Men
Spectrum (Say My Name)--Florence + The Machine
Titanium (feat. Sia)--David Guetta
Don't Move--Phantogram
Crave You (Adventure Club Dubstep Remix)--Flight Facilities
Could You Be Loved--Bob Marley & The Wailers

(Looking for some extra cardio? Join this SPIN class at Hickam on Saturdays! Class starts at 0830.) 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

DumBell Success Stories: The Ladies of Waiea Court!

Today we are thrilled to showcase a unique success story. We are featuring four women from the Pearl City Boot Camp. They joined together, they support each other, and they are succeeding together! Congratulations, ladies!

Four ladies from Pearl City: Meghan Blackhall, Alana Evans, Sally Harper, and Feather Nelson, otherwise known as the Ladies of Waiea Court, are collectively kicking serious booty in class. The first recruit to join in March was Meghan Blackhall. Soon after, Alana, Sally, and Feather followed. Pearl City trainer Laurie Weber remembers first meeting these women. "It was clear when this group showed up walking to class together with their kids of various ages in strollers, riding bikes or scooters... they were in this thing together!"

Without further are the ladies of Waiea Court! 

Alana, Meghan, Sally, and Feather

Meghan Blackhall:
 "I used to run through the community four days a week and I would pass Laurie's house. She had Dumbell Fitness advertised on a chalk board outside her house with the website. I became interested and went home and did some research about the company and what they have to offer. Shortly after doing some research, I went to the pool with Sally and it must have been fate because Laurie came to the pool as well. I started talking to her about the classes and when I could start. The most motivational statement she said to me was "You either get good at achieving your goals, or you get good at making excuses". She was absolutely right; I didn't have any excuses! My husband is deployed, I don't have any children, and even though I am a full time student my schedule didn't clash with the time Dumbell Fitness was offered. I went the first month by myself and I began getting compliments from my neighbors. Feather was such a sweetheart and would always compliment me on my arms. This made me push harder to get Alana, Sally and Feather to sign up and do it with me. Now we all support each other and hold each other responsible for our actions, especially when it comes to food. We have shared food, recipies, and websites. Recently on our off days we have been meeting each other in the mornings to workout together. Sally and I have been running together and recently we just hiked Koko Head! We keep things interesting by being each others cheerleaders and trying to lighten up the mood with jokes when things get hard. Having such a wonderful support group has definitely made my life transformation easier and fun. Thank you Laurie, Sally, Alana, and Feather for being such a great support team!"

Sally Harper:  "For me it all started the day I met Laurie at the pool. Meghan asked if she was the teacher for the Boot Camp class in Pearl City. Laurie said yes, and she got my attention when she said the program had free childcare! The session had just started the previous Monday, but I waited until the next month to jump onboard. I had no more excuses! Meghan, who joined first, would come back to the cul de sac and give us a report on the workout. I was eager to start. I've been 'losing' weight for 5 years. We mentioned it to Alana and Feather. For me, I was glad we all started together. We did and still do take pictures of our food and make sure we are going to workout. We are always checking in on each other and give each other a hard time if we slip. Meeting this group of ladies has changed me for the better. Not only am I working out and pushing myself, but I have friends that are right next door. My husband is glad that I have found this group of women and workout class!"

Alana Evans: "I thought that I could work out on my own around my husband's schedule, but that didn't last very long! I decided that since Meghan and Sally were going to do Boot Camp, plus the kids would be together in the childcare room, I would join as well. If someone has to miss a class, and our husbands can't watch the kids, one of us babysits so the other can go to make-up classes. We all want each other to succeed at our goals. We often text the food we're eating to each other! It helps keep us accountable. I think we all just encourage each other. We started running on days off together if we could. Now I feel better and if I don't work out or eat healthy, I can feel it, and I don't like it. I think we found a great support system in each other! I am so sad that I am leaving the island, but I know the girls will keep it up and I will, too, somehow!"

Feather Nelson: "I've never been one who's been active or athletic and am just good with getting by, in any aspect. I've never been one to push myself or do better. Until now! I was active duty and had always done the minimum on everything, sad to say. I did what was required and nothing more on bi-annual PT tests. I used to dread mandatory PT days. I was the worst, always last, always dying! I was also an avid smoker. I smoked a pack a day! However, I made it through. I completed my service and took a full time job as wife and mommy. After my second baby in September, I just accepted my weight and health as it was. It is what it is kinda deal. The girls on my street had mentioned this work out group (with child care included!) and they were so excited about it. They didn't ask, they TOLD me that I was also joining. I know I wouldn't have done it without them. It's taken me this long to actually do something about myself. Be it my weight, my fitness, my well being...I was just okay with getting by. And now, I feel amazing! I have a long way to go yet, but I'm on my way. If it wasn't for these ladies and our awesome trainer pushing me, I would still be on my couch, not eating right, not living right. I set a goal of losing 10 pounds every month but have not reached it yet. I've only made it to losing 6 pounds a month, but that's fine with me! With the support system we have and with DumBell Fitness' encouragement, I'm loving every step of this new journey and look forward to every work out with an awesome group of gals!"

"The enthusiasm of this group is contagious," says Laurie. "They cheer each other on during class, they engage in 'sassy' talk when the exercises get challenging, and they shout answers to my rhetorical questions! They run by my house during our off weeks and shout 'good morning!' while I'm still in my pajamas. They send me pictures of their food and tag me in their pictures on Facebook--they are always keeping themselves accountable!" 

These ladies know how to make getting fit fun! 

Together, these ladies have lost a total of 37.4 pounds and 24.5 inches since joining in the Spring. Proof that having a true support system can truly be the key to success! Way to go, ladies! 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Thank You from Wounded Warrior Project

We recently received this letter from Wounded Warrior Project thanking DumBell Fitness and our recruits for donations raised from the Memorial Day Beach Boot Camp. Thank you to all who contributed to this fantastic charity! 


Dear caring friend, 

Paul De La Cerda is one of the many injured warriors you have graciously supported through Wounded Warrior Project (WWP).

Paul sustained invisible battlefield injuries, like more than 300,000 service members who have fought for our freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan. In Paul's case, he suffered from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) when his vehicle was hit during a mission in Iraq.

"When I came to, I couldn't see anything. I didn't know it at the time, but I suffered a traumatic brain injury."

Over six years later, Paul's recovery is still ongoing. He has difficulty recalling events and people from his past and sometimes has trouble retaining information. But with the help from WWP supporters like you, Paul is fighting the lingering effects of the TBI and refuses to quit.

"I so enjoy being involved with the Wounded Warrior Project. As an ex-solider, I want to give back."

Along with Paul, I salute you for all you do to show your appreciation for the selfless heroes who have done everything to protect us.


With gratitude for all who serve,

Steven Nardizzi
Executive Director
Wounded Warrior Project

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wednesday's Winners: Meredith Schimek

Congratulations to today's Wednesday's Winner, Halsey Evening Boot Camper, Meredith Schimek! 

July marked Meredith's fourth month of Boot Camp. She has lost a total of 12 pounds, 9.5 of which she lost in June!  "While I definitely started feeling better and happier about my physical appearance immediately, my weight loss didn't kick in until I decided to really focus on my diet as well." 

Meredith, with her daughter,  prior to joining Boot Camp

Meredith focuses on keeping her diet light. "I try not to eat past 7:00pm. If I do, it's raw veggies and cucumber water! I drink a lot of water throughout the day. The more I drink, the better I feel all round, especially during my Boot Camp sessions." 

"My favorite thing about Boot Camp is the way I feel after I leave class," says Meredith. "Alison is such a great instructor. I can show up in a horrible mood, but leave feeling great! I also love the support that everyone gives each other. Hearing Alison or the other ladies yell 'keep it up!' or 'nice job!' really helps to keep the adrenaline going." 

Halsey Trainer Alison Fournier says of Meredith, "She is always on top of her game. She pushes herself in every class--she is always counting and is in the front of the line for running and the agility course. She has done an amazing job not only with her weight loss, but also with the physical and mental strength she's gained. I'm so proud of her!" 

"I have been battling some medical issues for the past few years, and DumBell Fitness has done great things to help with them! Because I have a more stable metabolism and healthy way of living, it's even easier to deal with medicine doses. I have only wonderful things to say about this program!" 

Meredith and Halsey Trainer Alison Fournier! 

Monday, July 16, 2012

DumBell Gives Back: Running with the dogs!

We love it when our recruits introduce new ideas to us! One of our lovely Boot Campers, Pualani Malone, let us know that both the Oahu SPCA and the Humane Society are in need of runners to exercise their high-energy pups. Both of these organizations are underfunded and understaffed, but do so much to advocate for Oahu's stray animal population. As dog-lovers ourselves, this need really hit our hearts hard!

Many of you run or walk for your cardio, so why not use that time for a good cause? Here's what we're offering those who are willing to go run or walk with these pets in need: free DumBell gear! Bring us a note from either organization stating that you exercised with their animals, and you get your choice of a free DumBell shirt, hat, band, or towel. (Sounds like a great cardio opportunity for off-weeks!)

Please contact each organization directly about getting involved. You can find the Oahu SPCA and the Hawaiian Humane Society on Facebook.

Thank you all again for inspiring us to be an active and healthy part of the local community! 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

DumBell Gives Back: Zoo Boot Camp!

Join DumBell Fitness on Saturday, August 4th for a Boot Camp Event to benefit the Honolulu Zoo! Bring the family out for the day and help us raise $1,000 for the Zoo's Education Program. All funds will be used for the purchase of educational Bio Skulls. If we meet our goal, we will enable them to purchase a total of 6 skulls, including those of a Chimp and a Malaysian Tapir! 

The Zoo will be opening early just for us! Attendees can enter at Gate 6 between 0745 and 0810. Our family Boot Camp will start at 0815 and end at 0930. Afterwards, families are welcome to tour the zoo grounds at their leisure. Zoo educational staff will have an enrichment table set up to teach interested children about conservation. 

All charity Boot Camp participants will have early exclusive access to the animals and exhibits and the admission fee is waived!  Please help us give back to such a great local organization. 

Interested in signing up? It's easy! E-mail for a liability form and return it to DumBell Fitness, along with your donation, by Wednesday, August 1st. Checks should be made out to the Honolulu Zoo. This event is open to those outside our Boot Camp classes, too! Please feel free to spread the word. 

Looking to forward to seeing many of you on August 4th! Thank you for helping DumBell Fitness give back! 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

New Offerings and Announcements!

It's been a very busy few months at DumBell Fitness and we have several new offerings and announcements to share with you. Before we begin, we would like to thank you for completing our first recruit survey last month. We greatly appreciate the time you took to provide us with feedback, and we plan to use the information to help serve you better! 

New Class Offerings:

  • Radford Terrace Boot Camp: Beginning on Tuesday, August 7th, we will be offering a T-Th course at Radford from 8:30am-9:30am. Childcare is included. Register today!  
  • DumBell CORP: Join us on Wednesday, August 15th for the 2nd session of our supplementary weight-loss course! This 6-week class is $99 and includes weekly weigh-ins, healthy recipe cards, and educational hand-outs. Class is from 11:00am-12:00pm.  Read our flyer here. Register today at!
Workout for charity!

Join us again for our "Dumbell Gives Back" philanthropy program! We are excited to be joining forces with the Honolulu Zoo on Saturday, August 4th for a Boot Camp class to benefit the Zoo's education program! We have set a goal of raising $1000 for this wonderful organization. Please save the date! More details to follow soon.

Makeup Classes & Refund Policies: 

Once class begins, we are unable to issue refunds. We do not pro-rate classes, but we will hold spots for one month for current attendees before they are placed on the wait list. We offer the following make-up options on Ford Island:

T-Th 8:30-9:30am (childcare included) 
T-Th 5:00-6:00pm (no childcare)

Only 5 spots are available for the morning make-up option. Your spot for both make-up class options must be reserved by e-mailing 

New Payment Option:
DumBell Fitness now accepts debit and credit cards! Each class will have a designated day during Week 4 when credit cards will be accepted. Stay tuned for the details for your class! We will also be offering the option of automatic billing for classes. If you are interested in signing up for this option, please e-mail to obtain an authorization form. Your debit/credit card will be charged on the first day of class. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Trainer's Favorite Playlists: List 3

Today's playlist is brought to you by Christina! She recently used this mix in one of her SPIN classes. Enjoy! 

Teenage Crime--Adrian Lux
Only Girl (In the World)--Rihanna
In the Dark (Dirty South Remix)--Tiesto featuring Christina Burns 
Dog Days are Over--Florence + The Machine 
E.T.--Katy Perry 
In My Arms--Plumb (The Remixes) 
Here's Your Future--The Thermals 
Good Ol' Fashion Nightmare--Matt & Kim 
Cry Baby/Piece of my Heart--Melissa Etheridge & Joss Stone 
Give Into Me--Michael Jackson 
I Feel Better--Hot Chip
Show You the World--The Grouch 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

DumBell Success Stories: Linda Groom

Today we are happy to highlight the success story of long-time Ford Island Boot Camper Linda Groom! Congratulations, Linda! 

Linda joined the 0715 Ford Island Boot Camp in September 2010 to prepare for a scheduled hysterectomy in December. "I wanted to give myself the best chance of a  quicker post-op recovery. I returned to Boot Camp at 5 weeks post-op! It felt better to exercise than to be inactive."

Linda's weekly exercise routine is Boot Camp on MWF, and walking or swimming 3-4 times per week. "I try to walk for 20 minutes or swim for 30 minutes," says Linda. "On our off weeks, I run for about 50 minutes for swim for 30 minutes Monday-Friday."

To stay accountable for her diet, Linda weighs in weekly at Weight Watchers. "I try to not buy a lot of dessert or snack items because it is too easy to waste calories on stuff that's in my pantry. I drink mostly water. However, I do like coffee! I always aim to keep fresh fruit in the house, salads in the fridge and to serve vegetable and a protein for dinner."

"I didn't exercise at all growing up," recalls Linda. "I always felt like maybe I could have, but wasn't able to participate in sports because of my parent's work schedules. I couldn't really swim, despite growing up on the Chesapeake Bay near Annapolis, MD. I did know how to water ski, though, and that was actually my first date with my husband, Tom!"

Linda credits her 35-year stint as an Army wife for motivating her to exercise daily. "You always see people out running (early!) when you live in military housing and feel like a slug if you haven't done anything that day! That's is why I like the 0715 class because I start the day off early, and I can check that off my list for the day. It's a friendly, non-competitive group despite the transiency of many of the ladies."

"Boot Camp has given me the edge to do the toning that aerobics never accomplished for me," says Linda. "Toning wasn't an area that I had been able (or willing) to tackle on my own. Anyone can do Boot Camp. It seems a little brutal at first, but it's totally doable. I'm 57 years old and still able to crank out the routines, even though I'm not a fast runner!"

"Christina might not like this," laughs Linda, "but I find it mindless to obey her commands! I don't even have to think about what to do next. She barks out commands; I obey! I feel that she truly cares about the ladies that attend. Many women battle their weight for a lifetime and think poorly of themselves. I appreciate the efforts to give these ladies the chance to improve their fitness and overall health, and ultimately their marriages and ability to care for their families."

Christina loves having Linda in her morning classes. "She is a true example Boot Camp works for anyone at any stage of their lives. She has worked up to the heaviest level of weights and bands. She is a mother of 6 and still finds the time to put herself and her health first for one hour a day. I love her positive attitude and that she always brings some of her family along. Linda understands that fitness is not just about achieving a specific goal, it's about living a healthy lifestyle at every level of fitness and at any age." 

Linda with her children and husband! 

"It's an incredible blessing to be a military wife, a patriot, and an encourager to our active duty husbands," says Linda. "We owe it to them (and to God) to attempt to get into the best shape possible to care for our families. I challenge every woman to try Boot Camp for awhile. It offers a physical challenge, lovely scenery (we live in paradise!) and encouragement for the long haul of aiming to live healthy." 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

CORP is back on August 15th!

We are very excited to announce that DumBell CORP, our nutritional and wellness course, will be resuming on August 15th! Based on participant feedback, we made a few modifications, and we think the new and improved CORP program will bring even more success to our clients! 

When: Wednesday, August 15th-Wednesday, September 19th
Where: Ford Island Community Center 
Cost: $99 (childcare is included) 

Please view the flyer below for additional details and the weekly schedule. Register today at! 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Project Green Thumb: Being Patient!

I am thrilled to see that so many of you have started your own backyard gardens! I think that growing your own produce is truly the healthiest way to obtain fresh produce. Today I wanted to offer you a few tips on being patient as you tend to your first "crop" of fruits and veggies. 

  1. Don't give up! The first time your plants bear fruit it will be very small. Don't be discouraged! This is normal. They will get bigger and bigger each time you harvest them. 
  2. Pay attention to the weather. Believe it or not, even in Hawaii, we do have seasons. There will be times when it's extra rainy here. If that's the case, check to see if your plants need extra fertilizer. And if it's been unusually dry, make sure to water more often. 
  3. Be patient. It's very tempting to pick your fruit or veggies right when you start to see them develop. Give them time to ripen on the vine. 
  4. Talk to them. Don't forget to whisper "grow" to your plants! Seriously, I do this, and I'm convinced it is why my plants flourish. Ha! 
I also want to suggest that you plant a pineapple with your family. They take about two years to bear fruit, so it is definitely something you want to start almost as soon as you move to the island. It's something very special you and your family can do to celebrate living in Hawaii!