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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Healthy Habits: Avoiding the Cereal Bar Trap

At my Boot Camps I hear so many women say that they like to snack on cereal bars. They are handy, portable, and conveniently packaged in controlled portion sizes. However, most of these bars are full of high-fructose corn syrup, sugar, and other additives. Some of the worst offenders are Special K Bars, Luna Bars, and Power Bars. They are the perfect example of a "health" food that's actually bad for you. These should not be your go-to snack!

f you are seeking out some healthy, on-the-go snacks, there are some decent bars out there for you to try. As always, be sure to read the ingredients! The less, the better. I really enjoy Lara Bars. They are made with real ingredients. My favorite bar only contains three: peanuts, dates, and salt. You can find them at the commissary!

If you want to take things even one step further you can make your own bars at home. As a bonus, they are cheaper as well!

Try to step away from your cereal-bar habit this week and try out these alternatives! 


  1. Thank you for sharing this! I currently eat the organic cascadian farm granola bars. I now would love to try the Lara Bars! Thank you again!

  2. You should post a DIY Lara Bar up there too, Christine! I make them all of the time! So easy and taste much better than the store bought ones.

    Good info! The less ingredients the better!
