
Monday, March 5, 2012

Fitness Tips: Dealing with Shin Splints

A common complaint from our Boot Campers is that they are suffering from shin splints. As the name suggests, the pain originates in the shin. Essentially, your tight calf muscles are pulling up on your heel, which in turn pulls the front of your foot down. This puts strain on the muscles in the front of your leg, which isn't yet strong enough to resist the pulling. The result?  Some serious pain. 

Many people who suffer from shin splints are inexperienced runners. When they suddenly start walking or running on a hard surface, such as asphalt or concrete, their calves are unprepared and the pain can come on suddenly. Keep reading below for some tried and true DumBell Fitness treatments. One of the most important things to exercise during this stage of your training is patience! Shin splints will take time to heal.  


  • Ice your legs immediately after working out, using either a frozen, wet towel or ice packs. 
  • Before bed, soak in a hot bath with Epsom salts for 10-15 minutes. 
  • Take Ibuprofen three times a day, preferably with meals. 
  • Make sure you have the right pair of running shoes. If you're unsure, visit a running store that will watch you run and measure your foot. Try Runner's HI or The Running Room
  • Consider wearing compression socks during Boot Camp. 
  • Cut back on running. On your non-Boot Camp days, do not run or walk on hard surfaces. Instead, use the elliptical, take a Spin class, or swim laps. 
  • Stretch! 
*If you try the remedies above and find no relief, or even worse, your pain increases, see a doctor immediately. You could be suffering from a stress fracture or other injuries.

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