
Saturday, March 3, 2012

DumBell Success Stories: Lori Stoffers

DumBell Fitness would like to highlight the amazing Boot Camp success story of Lori Stoffers. She's truly been an inspiration and we couldn't be more proud of her transformation. She is soon leaving us for the great state of Washington, and although she will be greatly missed, we cannot wait to see the impact she has on her new community. We wish you all the best, Lori! 

*Article courtesy of Janet Youtt

In the words of Lori Stoffers, “Boot Camp quite literally saved my life.” As the mother of two young children, Lori had resigned herself to the status of an overweight, out-of-shape mom just making it through each day feeling like a slug. She was complacent about any extra physical activity and decided to wear her fat like a badge of honor.

Her thought process started to shift when a friend challenged her to a 10K race. Although not a runner, she figured she could walk fast and make it through the race. That led to the suggestion that they start Boot Camp together. She immediately tried to talk herself out of it because she didn’t think she could hack it even though the two had been exercising on a regular basis. She reluctantly signed up for the class. The first class was brutal. She sobbed all the way home. But a light bulb went off during that first workout. She was angry with herself for letting her weight and lack of physical activity get out of control. She questioned why she stopped doing things for herself and let other people take control from her.

From that point on, her life has become a different story. “I started to believe what Christina was always saying which is to put yourself at the top of your to-do list.” Since beginning Boot Camp she has lost 45 pounds, run a 10K, a half-marathon, and even a full marathon--goals she never dreamed of reaching before the class. When she started Boot Camp she wore a size 18 and she’s now nearing a size 6. “I used to get stuck on the slide because my hips were too big. Now I slide down and play with my kids on the playground. I no longer sit on the sidelines of life. I’m an active participant in my family’s life.”

Lori has such high praise for Christina and the work she does with military spouses through Boot Camp. “Christina has planted so many seeds and her work has had such a ripple effect throughout the spouse community. She has touched so many lives, and I’m so thankful to have been a part of her Boot Camp.” And Lori’s husband, Eric, felt so strongly about his wife’s transformation that he showed up at the end of one class with flowers for Christina. He said, “Thank you for giving me my wife back.”

As often happens with military families, the Stoffer’s tour in Hawaii is nearing the end. They will soon be moving to Whidbey Island, WA, where Lori plans to become a certified personal trainer and share her knowledge with other people in their new duty station. “I can’t keep all that I’ve learned to myself. I have the tools and I want to share them.”  

You can read more about Lori's journey on her blog, Lori's Life and Other Stuff. 

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