
Friday, December 14, 2012

Healthy Habits: Yoga for the Holidays!

The holidays can be a particularly stressful time for everyone. Between traveling, packed social calendars, shopping, tight budgets, etc., one can easily feel overwhelmed. To help combat some of that unhealthy stress, DumBell Yoga instructor Kara Gollehon has put together a wonderful yoga sequence. Try these poses out over the next few weeks and keep holiday stress at bay! 

You can follow this complete sequence or choose a few poses to address your specific needs. Either way, moving with slow, gentle movements will help you to relax and release stress. 

Breath is the best tool we have to remain calm and centered; any time is a good time to practice moving and breathing more slowly and consciously. As you practice, listen to your body and respect your limits. Remember that this is a time of self care.

1. Seated Deep Breathing (Sukasana)
 to relieve general stress.

Begin by finding a comfortable seat with your legs crossed at the ankles (raise your hips on a towel, blanket or pillow for added ease if you'd like). Once you're comfortable, begin breathing through your nose. Notice your belly expanding as you inhale and receding as you exhale. As you move with your breath, allow your spine to extend as you inhale while your lower body roots more deeply into the mat with your exhalations. You may want to extend the length of your breaths as your breathing becomes easier. Hold this pose for as long as necessary.

2. Seated Abdominal/ Spinal Twist
 (Marichyasana III) to refresh your body and rejuvenate your abdominal organs after a heavy meal.

From your seated position, extend your legs directly away from your body. Bend your right knee and bring the foot to the mat just beyond your buttocks. Inhaling, extend through your spine and lift your arms to your sides and up above your head. As you exhale, turn to face your bent knee. Inhale, extend your spine through the twist. Exhale, wedge your left elbow on the right side of your bent knee (*Pregnant bodies should hold the leg without wedging their elbow on the other side of the knee to maintain an open twist). Place your right hand behind your back. Gaze over your right shoulder. Continue extending through your spine as you inhale and deepening the twist as you exhale. Hold this pose for 10 breaths and repeat on the other side. 

3. Flowing with your breath
 to help you to move gracefully with the challenges of travel.
I've included a couple, you can use them both or choose the one that works best for your situation.

- In a seated position (this can be done on a plane,in an airport, in a car or any other cramped space), practice deep abdominal breathing. From this position, inhale extending your spine and then exhale into a seated twist to one side. Inhale extending your spine and then exhale twisting to the other side. Continuing to flow with your breath, move into side stretches on either side, shoulder rolls to the front and then the back and shoulder shrugs to help to ease stress during holiday travel. To improve reduced circulation caused by flying, you can elevate your legs for a few minutes after arriving. You can hold these poses for as long as you like.

- If you have more space, flowing through Cat and Cow poses can be practiced before leaving for the airport or other travel and will help improve your breathing and the flow of your movements. To begin, come to your hands and knees with your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. As you inhale, lift your gaze and draw your tailbone up and away from your knees. Exhaling, arch your back. Continue flowing with your breath as you move through these poses. Keep your abdomen drawn up toward your spine as you practice these poses. 

4. Chair Pose (Utkatasana) to help you to conquer and embrace awkward positions, both physically and mentally, by challenging your mind and body.

Come to a standing position. Inhale and lengthen your spine, lift your abdomen and draw your shoulders down and back. As you exhale, sit back as if you're sitting in a chair. Draw your tailbone down toward your heels and lengthen your spine as you inhale. Exhale deepen through your knees. Inhale, lengthen your spine and lift your hands to your sides and above your head. Allow your hands to meet in the center and exhale bringing them down to rest at your heart in prayer position. Hold this for 5-10 breaths. If you'd like to take it further, inhale, lengthening your spine and exhale twisting to the right. Wedge the left elbow outside your right knee (*Pregnant bodies should bring the left elbow to the inside of the left knee or remain in the center chair position). Keep your hips squared and balance your weight over both knees. Hold this position for 5- 10 breaths. Inhale, center and lengthen through the spine before twisting to the other side. Hold this position for 5- 10 breaths. Inhale, return to the center and then straighten your legs as you exhale coming to standing.

The Chair Pose is particularly beneficial in this regard as it increases endurance and persistence, strengthening you both physically and mentally. This is an awkward pose that, once conquered, can build your self-confidence and help you to accept awkward situations during the holidays and in life.

5. Balance Poses
 to help you find and maintain equilibrium in your finances and relationships.

Tree Pose (Vrksasana)
From standing, root your feet by spreading your toes and pressing down equally through the front and back, left and right of both of your feet. Inhale, lengthen your spine, draw your belly up and relax your shoulders away from your ears. On your next inhalation, bend your right knee and lift it in front of you. Exhale and open your hips, bringing your knee to the right press your right foot into your standing leg at your foot, calf, thigh or groin. Draw your tailbone down and your abdomen up. Relax your shoulders. Hold this position for 5- 10 breaths. Inhale, bringing your bent leg in front of you and exhale back to standing. Repeat on the other side.

Side Plank (Vasisthasana)
Move down into plank pose (A good way to do this from standing is to fold forward, press your hands to the ground and step back into Downward Facing Dog. Then, shift your weight forward so that your shoulders are directly over your wrists and your back is straight. Your shoulders should be higher than your hips). If you're experiencing pain in your wrists, you can come down to your forearms. From this centered position, move your right hand to the center and roll over onto the outside of your right foot. Lift through your hips, draw your abdomen and tailbone in and extend your left arm directly away from your shoulder toward the sky. Hold this position for 5- 10 breaths. Return to the center plank and then repeat on your left side. After you've completed the second side, relax onto your belly. If you'd like to modify the center plank, you can bring your knees down to the floor. The best way to modify the side plank is to bring the foot of your top leg down in front of the shin or knee of your lower leg allowing you to continue lifting through your hip. 

6. Breathing & Relaxation to reduce anxiety and insomnia.

Reclined Hand to Foot Pose (Supta Padangustasana)
Roll over onto your back. Extend through your entire body with your inhalation. As you exhale, bend your right knee and bring it in toward your abdomen. Keeping your left hip and leg rooted to the floor, extend your right leg away from your body. Gently draw it down toward your body with your hands. You can hold onto your thigh, calf, foot or toes. After a few cycles of breath, extend your leg away from your body rotate your hip open allowing your leg to come down toward the floor on the right side. Looping a strap around your foot is often helpful as it allows for a broader range of motion. Placing a rolled up towel just outside your right hip also works very well. Hold this pose for 5-10 breaths. As you inhale extend your right leg to the sky, exhale bend through the knee and bring your foot to the ground. As you're ready, extend your leg away from your hips. Repeat on the other side. (*Pregnant bodies should prop their backs up on pillows, blankets or towels.)

Reclined Cobbler's Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)
Lying on the ground, bring your feet together at the soles of the feet and draw them into your body. Allow your knees to relax to the floor. If they don't comfortably touch the floor, place a pillow, rolled up blanket or towel underneath your knees for support. Relax your arms and shoulders and turn your palms to the sky. Hold this pose for as long as you like. For an even more restorative pose (*or if you're pregnant), you can prop your back up with blankets and pillows.

Legs up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)
Move to a wall. Lie down with your legs extended to the sky, feet flexed and buttocks pressing into the wall (it often helps to start on your side with your knees bent in toward your body and then roll over onto your back before extending your legs). Once you're as close to the wall as you can get, relax your shoulders, arms and back and turn your palms to the sky. Explore how your body feels in this restorative position. Allow your feet to move away from each other as you open your legs. You can also bring the soles of your feet together, allow them to come down closer to your groin and draw your knees out toward the wall. Bring your right ankle to your left leg and bend your left leg. You should feel this stretch in your outer hip. Switch to the other side. Hold these poses for as long as you like. (*Pregnant bodies should lift the hips with pillows, bolsters or stacked blankets placed under the curve of lower back.)

Relaxation Pose (Savasana)
Move away from the wall. Make sure you have a little space around your body and lie down. Release your tensions and anxieties. Close your eyes and allow your breath to become less intentional. This pose is about letting go. Hold this pose for as long as you like. (*Pregnant bodies should prop their backs up on pillows, blankets or towels or lie on their left side with pillows between the legs for support.)

Modification for pregnant women 

7. Meditation and Breathing to move through change and loss.

By practicing yoga and meditation, you can get in touch with your deeper self and gain insight into your own fears of loss, ultimately learning to release your feelings of helplessness and worry.

Return to your comfortable seated position. Allow your breath to deepen and lengthen and clear your mind. Release any thoughts, fears or worries. If you have trouble, don't worry about it. Appreciate each moment of clarity. It often helps to focus on your breath. Noticing the duration of each inhalation and exhalation provides a focal point and allows other thoughts to fall away. Recognize the moment as a gift and then let it go. Hold this pose as long as you like. 

The Guest House 

This being human is a guest house. 
Every morning a new arrival. 

A joy, a depression, a meanness, 
some momentary awareness comes 
as an unexpected visitor. 

Welcome and entertain them all! 
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, 
who violently sweep your house 
empty of its furniture, 
still, treat each guest honorably. 
He may be clearing you out 
for some new delight. 

The dark thought, the shame, the malice, 
meet them at the door laughing, 
and invite them in. 

Be grateful for whoever comes, 
because each has been sent 
as a guide from beyond.

~ Rumi ~

1 comment:

  1. Love this post. I would love to attend one of your wonderful yoga classes, but then I would miss your little guys precious smile in class :)
