
Friday, September 21, 2012

Healthy Habits: Using Pinterest for Good, Not Evil!

Everyone loves Pinterest. I love Pinterest! (If you're not familiar, check us out here.) But, the popularity of the virtual board has brought with it the rise of "food porn." Gorgeous, well-lit photos of decadent food fill the Pinterest timeline, and it can be very hard to resist! I see many Boot Campers pinning creamy pastas and rich desserts daily. Everyone deserves a treat now and then, but what scares me is how full the boards are of such fattening items! Why even put that temptation in front of you? 

But Pinterest is not all bad! There are tons of great tools and tips, including healthy recipes, motivational quotes and sayings, workout playlists, at-home workout routines, and so many creative kid's activities and snack/lunch ideas. Some of our favorites include: 

Cucumber Subs 
Rainbow Fruit Skewers
At-home Band Workout 
Food as Medicine 
23 Healthy Snacks for Kids 

Remember, use Pinterest as a tool for good, not evil! 

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