
Friday, September 7, 2012

DumBell Fitness Policies

In addition to spreading health and wellness to our recruits and their families, DumBell Fitness is committed to the quality and consistency of our customer service. With our continued growth, we strive be as transparent as possible. We have listed our current policies below. If you have any questions or concerns about these policies, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you all for your support! 

Refund Policy: 

Once classes begin for the month, we do not issue refunds. If you have extenuating circumstances and need to arrange an alternate work out schedule, please e-mail 

Late Payment Policy: 
Payment for all Boot Camp classes is due the Friday of Week 4. If we do not receive your payment by the end of the day on Friday, the following steps will be taken:

  1. You will receive a late payment e-mail. Please respond to this e-mail within 24 hours.
  2. If you do not respond to the first e-mail, you will receive a phone call. If you do not respond to the phone call within 24 hours, you will be removed from the class list and your spot will go to the next person on the waiting list.
  3. If you respond after your spot has been given away, you will be placed on the appropriate class wait list. 

Returned checks/declined credit cards: 

DumBell Fitness accepts checks, cash, and credit/debit cards as payment. If your check is returned, you will be charged a $25 returned check fee. Payment will also be due immediately in the form of check or credit card to keep your place in class. If your card is declined, you must provide an alternate card or cash to hold your spot. 

Make-up Classes: 

We offer two options for make-up classes:

  1. Ford Island MW, 1700 (no childcare)
  2. Ford Island T/Th, 0830 (childcare available)
Spots must be reserved in advance for make-up courses. Only five slots are available for the T/Th class due to childcare limitations. If you need to schedule a make-up, please e-mail 

Drop-in Guests:

Current recruits can bring their spouse or mainland guests to class for a $10 drop-in fee. Hawaii residents are not eligible for drop-in classes. 

Biggest Loser Competition:

The Biggest Loser Competition awards the recruit from each of our classes (excluding Hot Mama's) with a free month of Boot Camp if they meet the following requirements:

  1. The recruit must have weighed in with their trainer the month prior to the competition. 
  2. The recruit must have lost at least 4 pounds. 
  3. If multiple recruits meet the 4 pound requirement, the winner is determined by whomever loses the most pounds and inches, as well as who lost the greatest percentage of their total body weight. 
  4. The recruit who wins the Biggest Loser certificate must redeem their award the following month. It cannot be held for future months or transferred to another person.

Childcare Room Policy: 

DumBell Fitness is happy to provide quality childcare at nearly all of our locations! A few of our guidelines to keep the rooms safe and healthy for all of our kiddos: 

  1. Snacks containing peanuts or other tree nuts are not allowed. Please inform the childcare attendants if your child has any allergies. 
  2. Sick children are not allowed. 
  3. Children must be dropped off and picked up by their parents. Parents need to sign their children in and out of the playrooms. 
  4. Children should be fed and have fresh diapers before being dropped off. All items (toys, bags) should be labeled with the child's name. 
  5. DumBell Fitness is not responsible for the loss or damage of any outside toys or electronics brought into the childcare rooms. 
  6. Children should be picked up immediately after class from the childcare rooms. 

Thank you again for your continued support of DumBell Fitness! 

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