
Saturday, August 4, 2012

DumBell Success Stories: Heidi Holloway

A big shout out to today's amazing Success Story, Ford Island recruit Heidi Holloway! 

When Heidi first moved to Hawaii, she had gained 15 pounds. "I had let myself fall back into a very lazy routine," recalls Heidi. "I knew after all the hard work I had done before moving here to reach my goal weight, I needed to find a new program. So when a few friends of mine mentioned Boot Camp and how awesome it was, I got on the wait list knowing that  accountability was exactly what I needed to get back on track!" 

Heidi pre-boot camp
Outside of Boot Camp, Heidi swims, bikes, and runs on her off days. She has also recently started competing in triathlons!

"Nutrition has always been a big challenge for me. I am a pretty picky eater and I don't like wasting money to try things and then find out I won't eat them," says Heidi. "I decided to sign up for DumBell CORP and I learned a lot about the quality of the food I am putting in my body, and I have been trying to stick to as healthy and clean of a diet as possible! And even more so, I'm trying to instill healthy eating habits in my children. I have heard Christina say it before, and it has become a common phrase in my house, 'When you know better, you do better', and I am doing everything I can to make sure my family knows the right choices to make!"

Initially, Heidi was most motivated to attend Boot Camp only because she'd paid for it. "Now, it is more of a how-much-harder-can-I-push-myself-today motivation! Working out or running on my own, I don't push myself as hard as I do with other people around. I am for sure the person who is competing with my neighbor, whoever that may be. I may not win every time, but either way I am pushing myself to the limit everyday!"

Heidi can't name just one favorite part about DumBell Fitness Boot Camps. "I love the style of the work out, and I love the program and all the people in it are AMAZING! Christina has exactly the right balance of push and encouragement for me. Without fail, when I am feeling like I can't finish a set of burpies, she bursts out with one of her Christina-isms and I am somehow able to to push through!"

"Heidi was already on a weight loss journey before entering Boot Camp," says trainer Christina Landry. "The DumBell Fitness program built on that success and took Heidi to another level. I loved watching her blossom into the triathlete she is today. Heidi is constantly challenging herself, whether it be with more weight or resistance at Boot Camp, or a new race around the island. And she does not keep her new knowledge a secret; she has transferred her healthier way a life on to her husband, children, and other friends. Seeing Heidi's success is proof that lasting changes can happen and a new level of fitness can be achieved on a continual basis. As I and many of her friends already know, Heidi's  drive for overall wellness and fitness is contagious. She is a great role model for our community and I am honored and humbled to be a part of her journey."

"I just want to say to everyone involved in DumBell Fitness, and especially Christina, thank you so much for helping me become the strong and confident BADASS that I have always wanted to be! And to anyone just starting out, if I can do it....then that must mean it is possible! There is absolutely nothing holding me back, and that is an amazing feeling!" 

Looking great, Heidi! 

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