
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Healthy Habits: The Best and Worst "Health Foods"

Thanks to a heavily-funded food industry, grocery store shelves are filled with items labeled as "healthy." We constantly see them in advertisements, and eventually, we think they are healthy as well! Today I wanted to point out some foods that I think are the most offensive, but also some that I think are under-appreciated! 

The Bad: 

  • Granola. It has TONS of calories! And so many brands also add plenty of sugar. A small serving (1/4 cup to be exact) of most "healthy" granolas is 200 calories or more. A full cup can be 500 calories. So not worth it.
  • Vegetable/fruit juices. Many brands, like V8, tout that their cans provide you with 2 servings of fruit and veggies. Is this true? Technically, yes. But, they also pack you with a full day's worth of sodium. Even the low-sodium varieties still have 40% of your daily sodium allowance. Juice your vegetables at home and control your ingredients! 
  • Pita Chips. Somehow, people have decided these are a healthy alternative to other chip varities, such as Doritos. But, here's the stats: one serving of Stacey's Pita Chips has 130 calories and 270 milligrams of sodium. One serving of Doritos has 150 calories and 170 milligrams of sodium. Essentially, neither option is good for you! 
  • Smoothies. Commercial smoothies companies like Jamba Juice and Smoothie King would have you believe their "light" smoothies are healthy for you. You are able to check calories before you order, but always check out the sugar content. And, even if the calories are low, you are still drinking calories that will leave you less satisfied than other options. Always beware the ingredients. 
  • Energy bars. Fiber bars. Cereal bars. Bars are bad! They almost always have a LONG ingredient list and are packed with sugar. The only bars I endorse are Lara Bars. Never more than 4 ingredients! 

The Good: 

  • Sunflower seeds, or any seeds! Seeds are just as good for you as nuts, and often they are cheaper! A quarter cup of sunflower seeds has 3 grams of fiber and 6 grams of protein. Buy them in the shell for snacking, or use them as a topper for your salad! Keep in mind though, that like nuts, you need to watch your portions. 
  • Garbanzo beans. All beans are good, but these don't get the attention they should! They are packed with protein and so easy to eat. Just open a can and put them in a salad or soup. Or, roast them with your favorite spices for a delicious snack. 
  • Unsweetened yogurt. So many of the yogurts on the shelves are full of sugar and artificial flavorings. Why not try unsweetened yogurt and add your own fruit instead?
  • Watermelon. People think that watermelon isn't as full of nutrients as other fruits, but that couldn't be more true. A 2-cup serving has 38% of a day's Vitamin C, 32% of a day's Vitamin A, and 7 percent of a day's potassium for only 85 calories. That's a great snack for those watching their calories.
  • Leafy Greens. I'm not just talking spinach and lettuce. I'm talking about kale, swiss chard, collard greens, etc. These greens are jam-packed with vitamins A, C, and K.  Sauté them with some olive and garlic or add them to soups and stews. Delish! 

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