
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday's Winners: Rebecca Schirmacher

Today's Wednesday's Winner is Rebecca Schirmacher, a veteran Ford Island Boot Camper. Great work, Rebecca!

Rebecca has been attending the Ford Island 0830 class for nearly two and a half years. During her first year of class, she lost 25 pounds. "What I love so much about Christina's class is that I can always hear her voice in my head telling me I can, even when I feel it is impossible!"

Shortly after completing her first year at Ford Island, Rebecca became pregnant. "I continued with Boot Camp until I was 32 weeks along, but then we figured I should rest a bit. Ha! My daughter is now 6 months old and I have lost all but 5 pounds of my pregnancy weight. I am so excited! So, in all, I have lost a total of 43 pounds during my time in Christina's class."

Lead DumBell Fitness Trainer Christina Landry says, "I remember when Rebecca started Boot Camp more than 2 years ago with a group of her friends. Three of them quit immediately (and have since admitted they regret quitting!). But not Rebecca. She stuck with it and started dropping weight immediately."

Rebecca maintained her "clean" eating habits while pregnant, and always found time to put in some cardio workouts. Christina says, "When Rebecca first told me she was pregnant, I was so happy for her. I thought I might not be seeing her until after she gave birth, but that was not the case with her! She continued to come to class and made the appropriate modifications. It was such a joy to watch her become the true definition of a 'Strong Mama!' When she returned post-baby, she was determined to take off the weight, and boy did she! She lost the pounds, stayed strong, and persevered to become an overall healthier wife and mother."

Rebecca flexing with Christina (aka, the Princess of Pain)! 

Rebecca says, "If I had not come into this wonderful program, I would be the same old tired mom, sitting on the sidelines of my life. Thank you, Christina! You have changed my life in more ways than you could know!" 

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