
Saturday, May 19, 2012

DumBell Success Stories: Lorene Bessman

Today's DumBell Success Story features the lovely Lorene Bessman, long-time Ford Island recruit. Congratulations, Lorene! 

“Christina told me the other day that I look smoking hot. I was totally taken off guard and didn’t know how to respond. It’s been a while since I felt so strong and smoking hot!” says Lorene Bessman, veteran Dumbell Fitness Recruit. Lorene has been taking the Ford Island 0830 class for almost a year, but started out in the Hot Mama’s course. “I was pregnant when we first moved to Hawaii and would walk by the Ford Island Boot Campers. I could not wait to get out there, so I put my name on the waiting list three months before my due date. I was also very lucky to get to take the Hot Mama’s course for one month before I gave birth to my youngest, Samantha.”

Lorene with her family, shortly after giving birth to her 3rd child! 

Outside of Boot Camp, Lorene runs every Tuesday with a fellow recruit. “For the last 8 years I have been a power walker, but Christina inspired me to try running again. Since January, I have run two 5Ks, one 10K, and plan running another 10K in July. On Thursdays and Saturdays I either walk, bike, do the elliptical, or take a spinning class. Sunday is my only day off.”

Lead DumBell Fitness Trainer Christina Landry can attest to Lorene’s commitment to running. “I used to see her walking on the Ford Island bridge, but now I see her running. She is such an inspiration!”

Lorene was always good about eating healthy meals, but struggled when it came to snacking. She now tries to snack on fruits, veggies, and the 100-calorie bag of almonds and walnuts. “The monthly weigh-ins at Boot Camp definitely motivate me,” says Lorene. “Each month when I see the pounds and inches lost I am motivated to keep working hard. And, I can’t wait to get to the next weigh-in!”
Lorene has inspired both Christina and her fellow classmates: “Lorene has been such a pleasure to have in our classes: both the Hot Mama's and the Ford Island Boot Camp location,” says Christina. “She has constantly pushed herself to do her best every single month and it has paid off in spades. Just this morning, during our Week 3 Boot Camp, we had a rest period of 1 minute. Instead of resting, doing nothing, Lorene went down and ‘rested’ in the plank position. Her enthusiasm was contagious and the entire class noticed her dedication and planked with her! It was a true testament of her steady drive of wanting more for herself.” 

Lorene looking beautiful over Mother's Day Weekend 2012! 

Lorene also loves her Ford Island classmates and credits them with keeping her motived. “I love the camaraderie with the MWF FI Crew. I feel like I am part of a team and we are always cheering each other on. Christina is a tough coach but she truly wants all of us to do well and be healthy. She makes us push ourselves further than we thought we could go.  She has definitely inspired me to be a healthier, stronger person. I still can't believe I am no longer doing push ups on my knees! Thank you, Christina!”

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