
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fitness Tips: The Importance of a Good Sports Bra

**Disclaimer: if you're a male Boot Camper, you might want to go ahead and skip reading today's post!

I cannot emphasize enough how important a good, supportive sports bra is. If you're serious about fitness, it should absolutely be an item that you invest in. It is just as important, if not more so, than investing in good running shoes! 

When seeking advice as to which bras are the best for those of us not in the IBTC, I turned to my friend and past Boot Camper Tonya Foley. Tonya chronicles her quest for a good sports bra and the best anti-chafing solutions on her hilarious blog, Fat Girl Running. Tonya has truly tried every sports bra on the market. Here are her suggestions, as only Tonya could write them!  

"I like the Ta-Ta Tamer from Lululemon because it thwarts the headlights and doesn't give me uni-boob, but it is still comfortable enough for distance running. I also like the Enell for the complete lack of bounce. I mean NO movement! Finally, I would recommend checking out Title Nine. All of their sports bras are rated by chest size and ability to contain the bounce. Plus, some aren't as ugly as the Enell brand, LOL!" 

The search for the ultimate sports bra also hit our DumBell Fitness Boot Campers Facebook page this week. Many mentioned the same brands as Tonya, and there were also several people that recommended the Fiona bra from Moving Comfort.  

Take some time during your off week from Boot Camp to try on some of these bras, and find the brand and fit that works for you! Do not neglect your "girls!" 

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